لیست کامل کلمات ادغام و کوتاه شده در زبان انگلیسی
Contractions in English are words or phrases that are shortened by dropping one or more letters and replacing the letters with an apostrophe. This short form is often used in speaking and in informal writing.
- wouldn’t (would + not)
- can’t (can + not)
- haven’t (have + not)
- should’ve (should + have)
- she’s (she + is)
- he’d (he + would)
Contractions can be a little confusing at first, so make sure you know how they are used.
Informal contractions are shortened forms of other words and phrases in English. They are like slang. Slang is a very informal way of talking. For example, you might say yeah instead of yes, or you might say cool to say you like something or agree with someone.
Here are a few examples of informal contractions:
- gonna (going + to)
- lemme (let + me)
- kinda (kind + of)
- dunno (don’t + know)
If you say kind of really fast, you can shorten it to kinda by dropping the final sound. If you say don’t know really fast, it shortens to dunno. These are informal contractions.
Since informal contractions are not often written, most of the spellings are phonetic. That means that we spell them the way they sound. Some people might spell them differently than what you will see here. Also, sometimes people write them with apostrophes, and sometimes they do not use apostrophes.We should not use informal contractions in “correct” or formal speech or writing.
پیشنهاد من این است که ابتدا ویدیوی زیر را ببیند تا با تلفظ درست کلمات و عبارت ها آشنا شوید و بعد از آن می توانید لیست را دانلود کرده و داشته باشید.
برای دانلود لیست کلمات ادغام و کوتاه شده در زبان انگلیسی
روی دکمه زیر کلیک کنید.
امیدوارم مطالعه این جزوه به همراه فایل ویدیویی به شما کمک بکنه که بتونید ادغام ها و عبارت های کوتاه شده در زبان انگلیسی رو به خوبی یاد بگیرید.